Stories by Diane McCarthy
Location in doubt over Whakaari memorial
Further engagement with hapū is needed if a Whakaari memorial space is to be created in Whakatāne.
Ōpōtiki's mystery smell solved, but foul odour lingers
One resident has compared the odour to "a sickening smell like dead carcasses".
'No customers, no cars': Businesses 'crippled' by road closure
Business owners in Whakatāne say poor communication over road closures this summer crippled their businesses.
'Feral': Lagoon used as dumping ground for hunters
On one occasion, a deer's head could be seen floating on the "taonga" lagoon's surface, stinking as it decomposed.
Residents sick of living in 'motocross track'
But police say it is near impossible to catch the culprits.
Health conference aimed at ‘lighting a fire’ for public services
Mayor Victor Luca says the downgrade of specialist services at Whakatāne Hospital's gynaecology and obstetrics department is only the tip of the iceberg.
'Horrendous': Mysterious bad smell haunts small town
A smell described as like rotting fish or a dead animal has been lingering over pōtiki.
'Nauseating' worm farm granted consent to expand
Its owner says the expansion will allow the company to improve its control of smells coming from the site.
$7 million pegged for Edgecumbe flood litigation
A regional council believes it will cost this amount to litigate claims brought against it over the flood eight years ago.
22 dogs and puppies uplifted from Ōpōtiki property
The owner has been fined and agreed to surrender the dogs, who have since been put down.
Ōpōtiki street terrorised by roaming dogs
A woman says she was rushed and bailed up by a pack of dogs in the latest in a spate of dog incidents on Ford Street.
'Fatigue stops' in fatal spots aim to help festival-goers get home safely
Whakatāne District Council has expanded its road safety stops, despite budget cuts.
Obstetrics cuts ‘devastating’, mayors say
Whakatāne Hospital's Maternity Unit will be downgraded to a primary birthing centre from mid-January with women needing specialist care being transported to Tauranga.
Logging workers unable to eat due to nauseating odours from worm farm
"The objectionable nature of these odours ranges from very unpleasant to nauseating and unbearable, " one submitter to a hearing says.
Heartbreak as teens' mural hit by graffiti
Just days after a high school club finished their mural, they discovered it had been covered in graffiti.
Lake in decay - neighbours keep windows closed from 'horrific stench'
Residents around Sullivan Lake are bracing for another smelly summer from decaying vegetation and decomposing wildlife.
‘Flooding nightmare’ for Tāneatua tamariki
A Tāneatua early childhood centre has now suffered three floods in as many years and its owners say the town's stormwater system is failing residents.
Calls to ban freedom campers as popular bay ‘overloaded’
Ōpōtiki council is being urged to ban or limit the number of overnight campers due to fears the public toilets are putting pressure on the delicate environment.
The rise of the Grey nomads – tapping into a mobile market
The economic benefits of catering to carvanners by updating freedom camping laws could be huge for Whakatāne District, a local told the council.
Edgecumbe resident highlights ‘deathtrap’ intersection
A frightening near-miss incident has left Kathe Davey-Emms concerned for those having to use East Bank Road's intersection with Thornton Road.
Locals fed up with destruction of native trees
Brent Sheather says he has spent a lot of effort over many years into maintaining the steep bush-clad hillsides around his home, near Whakatāne.
'Kick in the guts': Rates shock for property owner
Retired businessman Clive Wickham says his rates have jumped more than 20 percent.
Councillor looks for way to avoid Māori wards poll
Councillor Nandor Tanczos has denounced new Māori wards legislation and wants the council to seek legal advice.
Stallions and loose horses a risk to safety
The subject of risks to the safety of both horses and people caused by stallions in the town was discussed at an Ōpōtiki District Council meeting on Tuesday.
Whakaari owners want to grant scientists access
The family wants to allow monitoring of the volcano, but feels stymied by the court case over the explosion, lawyer says.