Stories by Tuwhenuaroa Natanahira
Prisoner Dean Wickliffe loses 17kg in hunger strike, lawyer says
He has been on a hunger strike for over one week after alleging he had been beaten by guards at Spring Hill Prison.
Prisoner on hunger strike alleges he was beaten by prison guards
Dean Wickliffe hasn't eaten for just over a week.
Whangārei hāpu fear landowners will cut down ancient Puriri trees on Onoke Pā
Ngāti Kahu o Torongare have been in and out of court for the last 30 years to protect Onoke Pā.
Whānau Ora changes puts decade of relationship building at risk - agency chair
Chair Merepeka Raukawa-Tait said they only received verbal confirmation of the commissioning agency changes.
A 'destruction of Whānau Ora by stealth' - providers
A change in direction at Whānau Ora has drawn the ire of agencies, which are set to lose their long-held positions as commissioning bodies and say up to 1000 jobs could be lost.
Te Kapa Haka o Ngāti Whakaue have won the title of Toa Whakaihuwaka
The rōpū from the Te Arawa region have been crowned champions for the first time.
Te Matatini final day begins in style
Hundreds of spectators were so keen for the they started lining up at 3am, four hours before the gates opened.
Te Matatini day three: Hot temperatures and even hotter performances
While temperatures around the bowl hit a high, so did the heat on stage as haka star Jeff Ruha wore a full suit for his performance.
Ngāti Whakaue wow packed Bowl as fans flock to see Te Matatini begin
Kapa haka fans sprinted through the gates of the Bowl of Brooklands in New Plymouth this morning to secure prime positions as Day 3 of Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga got under way.
Sewerage pipeline work near tapū lake to continue despite protests
The construction of a controversial sewerage pipeline near a Rotorua lake considered tapū by mana whenua is set to continue despite protests.
Te Matatini: Members, Taranaki iwi meet to bless mahau ahead of festival
Te Matatini o Te Kāhui Maunga kicks off in two weeks and will pull together Aotearoa's finest haka rōpu for the week-long festival.
Fake rūnanga photo draws the ire of Ngāpuhi chairperson
The post, which was taken from X and shared on Facebook, features an artificial image of a Māori man with a facial moko standing in front of a red ute and a visible rūnanga logo.
Whangārei hāpu set to go back to court to battle housing development on sacred site
A Whangārei based hāpu are going back to court for the latest in a legal saga spanning 30 years. Audio
Iconic Te Tii Marae wharenui reopens
A dawn ceremony was hosted by mana whenua Ngāti Rāhiri and Ngāti Kawa who welcomed iwi leaders, politicians and the masses. Audio
Urgent Waitangi Tribunal claim on Regulatory Standards Bill filed
The claim alleges that, if enacted, the Bill will be a breach of Te Tiriti, and will cause significant prejudice to Māori.
PM skipping Waitangi 'good first step' - hīkoi organiser
"There's no point in speaking to ears that will not listen to, minds that will not change," Eru Kapa-Kingi says.
Waitangi Day: 'Why would the prime minister not come?'
The Waitangi National Trust chair hopes Christopher Luxon makes his way to the Treaty grounds for the annual commemorations.
Iwi leader 'cuts out middle man' with open letter to King Charles III
He said Charles is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria - the reigning monarch at the time the treaty was signed - and had the mana to intervene.
Iwi-owned seafood processing factory opens in Porirua
The Wellington Kaimoana Hub will process seafood products like snapper, blue cod and crayfish for international markets.
Supreme Court allows appeal of customary marine title judgment
The Supreme Court has released its judgment on an appeal that made it easier for Māori to gain customary marine title under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act.
Te Arawhiti give update on potential Ngāpuhi treaty settlement
Despite a government preference for "larger groupings" of hāpu to get a mandate, the Office for Māori Crown Relations would not be forcing anyone to the negotiation table, its regional director says.
Crown failed to follow process in Māori Health Authority disestablishment
The Waitangi Tribunal has released the first part of its inquiry and found the Crown did not follow robust policy processes. Audio
'Dishonourable' - Māori leaders furious with Treaty Principles Bill's early introduction
The legislation is being introduced to Parliament today - more than a week earlier than expected - and will be read for the first time next week. Audio
Iwi rejects minister's denial children were left without parents after Ōpōtiki raids
Te Whakatōhea is standing by claims children were left to fend for themselves after their parents were arrested.
Tūhoe elders seek urgent hearing into iwi election process
A collective of Tūhoe elders are applying to the Māori Land Court for an urgent hearing to overturn trustee elections for the iwi's post-settlement governance entity.