1:15 Finding a job that's best suited, a new tool created to help

It can be tough going through the process of finding a new job can be - especially finding one that's a good fit.

So, what if there was a platform that took the bias out - one where compatibility is just as important as capability...

Sounds a little bit too good to be true? While this is the concept of 'Futureful' a new jobs platform created by Izzy Fenwick.

Izzy speaks to Jesse.

Job application online.

Photo: 123rf

1:25 How trash is telling the story of student food habits in Canterbury

Researchers at the University of Canterbury have been diving deep into an unusual realm: rubbish bins. Their mission? To unravel the mysteries behind food waste behaviors within student households.

Lucie Ozanne, a professor of marketing and consumer researcher at the University of Canterbury, sheds light on their intriguing findings with Jesse.

Tops of bins

The Barwell/Weir family have yet to completely fill a rubbish bin so far this year Photo: ( RNZ / Clare Eastham Farrelly )

1:35 Becky Umbers new show, Comedians Vs Animals, laughs for a good cause

In a rare meeting of the animal kingdom and kiwi comedy, 'Comedians VS Animals' is a new comedy show starting next week in Auckland - part of the NZ Comedy Festival.

Comedian Becky Umbers is the brains behind it - some of you might be familiar with her from appearances on the likes of 7 Days and The Project.

Well, this latest show isn't all laughs it's also raising money for a good cause, the NZ Nature Fund.

Becky's with Jesse to share the details.

'Comedians VS Animals' is part of the 2024 NZ Comedy Festival.

'Comedians VS Animals' is part of the 2024 NZ Comedy Festival. Photo: NZICF

1:45 Great album: Iris by Reb Fountain

Today's link 3 winner will get a vinyl copy of Reb Fountain's Iris album.

2:10 Music Critic: Tony Stamp

Tony talks to Jesse about tracks from Iron & Wine and Louis Cole.

2:30 Sporting History NZ: Mahé Drysdale

For Sporting History NZ today we talk to Olympic gold winning rower Mahé Drysdale.

He's twice taken home gold from the  Olympics and won the single sculls rowing world championships FIVE times.

Rowing was also something he only started as an 18 year old when he moved to Auckland to study. He joins Jesse to talk about his incredible sporting achievements.

Mahé Drysdale showing off his medal after winning gold at the London Olympics in 2012.

Photo: Photosport

3:10 Link 3

3:15 Your Money with Mary Holm: The high cost of not contributing to KiwiSaver

Today Mary talks to Jesse about the reality for a number of people balancing their finances and suspending their payments.

She talks about the benefits of suspending rather than cancelling contributions to Kiwisaver in the long term and the options available for people needing to reassess their financial situation.

File picture

File picture Photo: 123rf.com

3:35 Spoken Feature BBC Witness

Hiroo Onoda was an Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer who spent nearly 30 years in the Philippine jungle, believing World War Two was still going on.

Using his training in guerilla warfare, he attacked and killed people living on Lubang Island, mistakenly believing them to be enemy soldiers.

He was finally persuaded to surrender in 1974 when his former commander, Yoshimi Taniguchi, found him and gave him an order.

In a televised ceremony, Hiroo presented his sword to the then Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos.

President Marcos returned the sword and gave him a full presidential pardon and told him he admired his courage.

Hiroo died in January 2014 at the age of 91.

3:45 The pre-Panel