27 Jul 2017

State Care Abuse "Utterly Sickening"

From Afternoons, 1:14 pm on 27 July 2017

The Disability Rights Commissioner says accounts of abuse in state care are utterly sickening.

The report, released today, contains the stories of 17 people who were mistreated by staff in mental health facilities and hospitals between the 1950s and 1990s.

Researchers from the Donald Beasley Institute recorded the stories of the patients. And the Human Rights Commission says the report highlights systemic failures and a system that enabled abuse to continue unchecked for years.

Disability Rights Commissioner, Paul Gibson, explains.

Human Rights Commission says the report highlights systemic failures and a system that enabled abuse to continue unchecked for years.

Human Rights Commission says the report highlights systemic failures and a system that enabled abuse to continue unchecked for years. Photo: 123RF

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