Black Olive and Thyme Focaccia

11:57 pm on 16 October 2009


  • 7gm dry yeast
  • 1 and 1/4 cups water
  • 450gm baker's flour ( high grade)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/3 cup white wine
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil ( + extra for brushing the focaccia with)
  • 150 gm black pitted olives
  • 1/2 tsp thyme (chopped)


Preheat oven to 175C.

Mix yeast, water, flour, salt, white wine and extra virgin olive oil together to make a dough. Mix for 10 minutes or until smooth.

Place in a bowl and cover. Place the bowl somewhere warm and allow the dough to double in size. Then knock back.

Roll dough into a 1 cm thick rectangle, sprinkle 1/2 of the rectangle with the chopped olives and thyme. Fold the other 1/2 of the bread dough over to enclose.

Allow to rise for 30 minutes to 1 hour or until doubled in size once again. Brush with extra virgin olive oil and place in preheated oven and bake 25-30 minutes or until cooked.