Good Old Meat Loaf

3:08 pm on 10 May 2013

Meat Loaf

Ingredients for 6 - 8 servings

  • About 500g sausage meat
  • About 500g beef mince
  • 1 large carrot, grated
  • 2 medium sized zucchini
  • 1x 45g packet of tomato and onion soup mix, or of onion soup mix


Mix all the ingredients in a fairly large bowl, then put your hand in a large plastic bag and squeeze all the ingredients together until they are well mixed, or squeeze everything together with wet hands.

For the Slow Cooker

Spray the cooker with a non-stick cooking spray and set to HIGH. Form the mixture into a thick sausage with wet hands so that there will be some space between it and the walls of the slow cooker. Make a sling under the formed loaf with Teflon, or an old tea-towel and bring this up the walls of the cooker so that you have something to lift the loaf with.

Cook the loaf in the slow cooker on HIGH with lid on for 4 to 6 hours.  To test for done-ness, lift the loaf out and cut through its middle. If still pink in the middle, turn the two halves so that the rounded ends are in the middle and cook for a further half hour. 

For oven baking

Heat the oven to 180 degrees C. After combining the ingredients put the mixture in a sprayed loaf pan and bake for 1 ¼ hours.