Thai Spicy Squid

3:10 pm on 7 September 2012


  • green curry paste (this will make 5-6 tbsp of paste):
  • 10  green chili
  • 1 tsp galangal, chopped
  • 2 tbsp lemongrass, chopped
  • 3  kaffir lime leaves, finely sliced
  • 2 tbsp garlic, chopped
  • 3 tbsp shallot, sliced
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 handful of fresh xoriander
  • 1-2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 200g cleaned squid tubes (lightly scored and cut into bite size strips)
  • handful green bean
  • 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • 50ml water
  • 1 tbsp fish sauce


1. Pound green curry paste ingredients together in a motar using a pestle or food processor to form a fine paste.

2. Heat a tbsp oil in a wok, add 1 tbsp of green curry paste and cook on medium heat until fragrant.

3. Add squid, green beans, sweet soy sauce and water in a wok and cook for 3-4 minutes. Add fish sauce before you turn off the heat. 

4. Serve with steamed jasmine rice