18 Feb 2022

Garth EDMUNDSON: Toccata on Vom Himmel Hoch

From Music Alive, 8:07 pm on 18 February 2022

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Performed by Indra Hughes on the Auckland Town Hall Organ, 13 August 2021.

Indra Hughes

Indra Hughes at Huia Photo: Indra Hughes

Garth Edmundson (1892-1971) was born in Pennsylvania and after studying in New York, London, Paris and Leipzig, returned to his home state for a career as a composer, teacher and church organist.

In his Toccata on Vom Himmel Hoch, he takes the hymn probably written by Martin Luther and "puts it, the organ, and the organist to work as though all the world's bells were ringing at once; and he keeps up his sleeve a truly jaw-dropping cadence for the very end" (according to Indra Hughes's programme note).

Recorded by RNZ Concert, Auckland Town Hall, 13 August 2021
Producer: Tim Dodd; Engineer: Adrian Hollay