1 Aug 2005

Official help needed for Vanuatu women affected by violence, say campaigners

8:49 am on 1 August 2005

A leading women's rights advocate in Vanuatu has called on the government to provide some funding to help stop violence against women.

Merliyn Tahi, the co-ordinator of the National Women's Centre, says the government claims to support her campaign to raise awareness for womens rights but it's yet to give a cent of funding.

Mrs Tahi says while they feel the government is on their side, it could be much more proactive…

"There's nothing substantial that has been set aside for the work in violence against women, and yet the cost of running the services and the information sharing with the communities on good relationships, happy homes, happy families - we don't have anything from the government."

Meanwhile, Merliyn Tahi says it is clear that elements of fear within government ranks are again holding up approval of the long-delayed Family Bill.

After eight years of drafts and extensive consulting, supporters of the Bill have been told that new MPs need to be consulted before it is tabled again in parliament.