21 May 2015

UN pushes for decolonisation of Pacific territories

11:51 am on 21 May 2015

The United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, says the UN has to do more to reach the goal of eradicating colonisation.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Photo: AFP

Speaking at the Carribbean Regional Seminar on Decolonisation, which opened on Tuesday in Nicaragua's capital Managua, Ban Ki-moon noted that since 1945, the number of territories on the decolonisation list had gone from 80 to 17.

The five Pacific countries on the UN Committee of Non Self-Governing Territories are American Samoa, Guam, French Polynesia, New Caledonia, Tokelau and Pitcairn Island.

Ban Ki-moon urged all participants at the seminar to find concrete and implementable steps that could help eradicate colonialism before the end of 2020.

In 2011 in Auckland, Ban Ki-moon said in a press conference that the UN will look to inscribe West Papua on the decolonisation list, however he later backtracked on the statement.