11 Mar 2019

Samoa church ministers gifted cars

9:56 am on 11 March 2019

The Congregational Christian Church of Samoa has again come under the spotlight after 21 parishes gifted their ministers brand new vehicles.

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Photo: 123RF

According to TV1Samoa, the parishes make up the Falealili, Si'umu and Safata district of the church and is led by the current vice chairman of the church.

This is part of the annual fa'amati, which is done to make needed repairs to the home of the parish minister and includes the renewal of furniture, kitchen facilities including dishes and cutlery and whiteware.

The church building also gets repairs if needed.

While this is not the first time vehicles have been gifted to ministers, this is the most that have been given.

All this is done by the women's committees in the parishes under the direction of the Elder Deacon for the district.

The elder deacon told TV1Samoa that while it was hard and expensive it was all good to give support to the work of the minister.