15 Apr 2019

Fiji men in custody over turtle deaths

1:22 pm on 15 April 2019

A group of men in Fiji have been taken in for questioning by police over their alleged slaughter of turtles.

FBC News reported the four turtles, weighing about 90 kilograms each, were confiscated by the Fisheries Department.

Fisheries official Craig Strong said the turtles were being taken to market when they were confiscated in Tailevu on Saturday.

Police were alerted by a member of the public, Mr Strong said.

The government said in February a ban on the harvesting and sale of sea turtles would continue this year.

Fines for individuals caught breaking the ban start at $US4000 and can be as much as $23,000.

Corporations found breaking the moratorium face a maximum fine of $68,000.