20 Jun 2019

Tools down at 'Pacific's tallest building' in Fiji

5:33 pm on 20 June 2019

In Fiji, controversy between developers of the so-called "tallest building in the Pacific" and the school next door, has escalated with the council issuing a stop-work order on construction.

FBC news reports the Suva City Council has intervened with work on the WG Friendship Plaza encroaching on the grounds of the Holy Trinity Anglican Primary School.

A spokesperson for the Anglican Board of Trustees told RNZ Pacific he is not able to comment on the dispute as the issue is currently before the courts.

The Minister for Local Government, Premila Kumar, told local media she met last week with the developers over the boundary breach, and at their request, gave them a week to clear out.

The Education Ministry is also involved with concerns the construction workers behaviour, poor dress code and building noise, are all impacting on students' rights to a healthy learning environment.

The Fiji Local Government Minister and the Chinese developers have both been approached for comment on the stop work order for the Plaza's construction.