15 Sep 2017

Vanuatu maps digital health data

From , 5:03 am on 15 September 2017

A new digital health mapping tool is being developed in the Pacific to help provide a bird's-eye view of the locations of health facilities and resources such as staff, medicines and equipment.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is working with Ministries of Health in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Kiribati and PNG to gather, pin point, and co-ordinate health services and to cut waste.

Acting Principal Pharmacist in Vanuatu, Agnes Mathias, told Jenny Meyer the project is called Tupaia after James Cook's navigator.

She explained how her team have been gathering health information from clinics around Vanuatu to add into the web based maps.

Megan Gayford, right, talks in an abandoned incubator room.

Photo: RNZ / Kim Baker Wilson