11 Feb 2017

Tagata o te Moana for 11 February 2017

From Tagata o te Moana, 5:30 pm on 11 February 2017

Amnesty International has brushed off inflammatory comments made by Fiji's Attorney-General about the group's latest report into human rights in Fiji; Manus Island refugees from Muslim countries banned by President Trump say they are not a threat to the United States; an award winning cartoonist detained on Papua New Guinea's Manus Island is in a perilous state of health as his hunger strike enters a second week; the Government of Bougainville in Papua New Guinea says it is struggling to respond to a major earthquake that hit the east and south of the main island last month; New Zealand's Department of Conservation is encouraging customs authorities around the region to continue raising awareness about export permits for cultural items; Tonga's Ministry of Internal Affairs says Tongan fruit pickers were ordered to return home from New Zealand last week because they were not meeting their work conditions; an inconspicuous red shed nestled in the hills near a small New Zealand town is the unlikely base for an effort to revive the maritime culture of the Marianas Islands, some 6000 kilometres away; the links between Rapa Nui and New Zealand are brought to the fore in a new NZ Fringe Festival show.