27 Jun 2024

NZ Sporting History: Ewen Chatfield

From Afternoons, 2:30 pm on 27 June 2024

New Zealand Cricketing legend Ewen Chatfield made his mark on the international cricket scene in the 70s and 80s, earning a reputation as one of the most dependable players of his era.

He was part of a golden era for New Zealand cricket, playing alongside legends like Richard Hadlee, Jeremy Coney and Lance Cairns, and his contributions to the sport have left an indelible mark.

Despite suffering a life-threatening head injury early in his career, he made a courageous comeback and continued to excel on the field.


Ewan Chatfield made his mark on the international cricket scene in the 70s and 80s, earning a reputation as one of the most dependable players of his era.

Ewan Chatfield made his mark on the international cricket scene in the 70s and 80s, earning a reputation as one of the most dependable players of his era. Photo: ICCTwitter