6 Dec 2021

First Up's day with Waipareira Trust supporting whanau

From First Up, 5:42 am on 6 December 2021

West Auckland is one of the hotspots of New Zealand's Covid-19 pandemic. At the community testing station in Henderson, upwards of 50 people can test positive for the virus in a single day. At the same time, hundreds of people who have Covid or who live with someone who's tested positive are self isolating in the area. Maori are being particularly affected in this latest outbreak. It's meant that the area's major Maori Health provider, the Waipareira Trust, has put all shoulders to the wheel to test, vaccinate and support infected whanau. The trust kindly allowed our producer Matthew Theunissen to tag along for the day to see what it's like on one of the front-lines of Auckland's pandemic.