A large shipment of flu vaccines has been ruined and thousands of Papatoetoe patients are without their medical clinic in another tale of destruction from the weekend's tornado. A large window and parts of a wall were sucked off the side of the Cavendish Doctors Clinic and parts of its ceiling caved in - forcing its indefinite closure. The clinic has about 2800 patients on its books but it cares for about 5000 more casual patients who work at nearby businesses. One of its GPs is Dr Api Talemaitoga speaks to Sarah Robson. Meanwhile, Auckland Emergency Management says there are 67 people staying in emergency accommodation. And its busy Civil Defence Welfare Hub is likely to stay open for the rest of the week. Six truckloads of building debris have been cleared from the tornado-hit area - with some of it diverted to scrap metal recycling. Of the 260 properties inspected, 18 have been deemed uninhabitable. Another 170 have sustained some damage.