30 Aug 2017

Deadly Bangladesh floods: 'The kids started screaming 'snake''

From Morning Report, 7:45 am on 30 August 2017

Rescue workers are scrambling to provide as much aid as possible to millions of people stranded by the worst floods in South Asia for years. The United Nations says in all, 41 million people have been affected by the flooding and tens of thousands of homes; schools and hospitals have been destroyed.

Red Cross worker and New Zealander Corinne Ambler says she has seen "fields and fields of crops covered in water," with water spreading up to five kilometres from where it breached the riverbank.

"The [story] that really sticks in my mind is a young mother who said the water had come into her house up to about knee or waist level and suddenly the kids started screaming 'snake, snake,' and the sea snakes had come into the house - there were snakes in the water... You can imagine the children were really terrified of them."