20 Nov 2020

Owl found in Rockefeller Centre's widely mocked Christmas tree

From Morning Report, 8:58 am on 20 November 2020

There's been another development in the story regarding New York's Rockefeller Center Christmas tree "sparse" appearance, which some had called an appropriate tribute to a year to forget.

The tree has been roundly mocked on line, but there's a post-script.

A tiny owl has been found clinging to the tree - after it survived the three day road trip to New York.

The stowaway - which has been named Rockefeller - was taken to the vet for a check-up and some X-rays, but is in great condition considering his adventure.

It is now recovering at a wildlife refuge where it has been given fluids and "all the mice he will eat".

The director of the wildlife centre says he's pensive and cautious but very alert, bright-eyed and she says the cuteness factor is just off the charts.

Saw-whet owl are the smallest owls in the US north-east, and grow to no more than 17-21 centimeters tall.

Once Rockefeller has a clean bill of health, he will be released back into the wild.