5 Oct 2021

Three-year-old Bobby Best already a golfing champion

From Morning Report, 8:56 am on 5 October 2021

Bobby Best started playing golf when he was still in nappies.

Now he's three years old and already a golfing champion.

He won third place in the under-five division of an international competition, in which more than 300 videos from 17 countries were submitted.

His father, Jymi Best, told Morning Report Bobby learnt to golf quite naturally after watching the sport on TV during the first lockdown.

"We watched lots of golf and he started whacking stuff and I thought wow, so I got him some plastic golf clubs and he kept on whacking," Jymi says.

"So I got some proper golf clubs for an older kid, and just tucked them down because you can't get golf clubs for his size and he just started going crazy."

During the first lockdown, Bobby was hitting 200-300 balls daily, Jymi says.

"We figured out in those first 60 days or whatever it was, it was about 6000 balls [that Bobby hit]."

"His singular focus for it was the most amazing part."

While his father tried to get him a golf coach, unfortunately, he wasn't accepting students under the age of five.

"So, he's a little ahead of the curve.

"You tell anyone that he's playing golf at that age and they're like 'oh he's going to be Tiger Woods and you can retire and be his caddy' and all those things.

"But we're just focusing on him enjoying it still and the more he practises, the better he gets, and the competition is a good example of that."