Aro is husband and wife duo Charles and Emily Looker. They met while both studying a Bachelor of Music at the University of Auckland, where they discovered they share a passion for the power of language and music to tell stories and remind us of our cultural identity. In 2019 they were a Silver Scrolls finalist and last year a finalist for the APRA Best Children's Song Award.
Charles and Emily Looker Photo: COPYRIGHT OSCAR KEYS 2020
Their new single Baby Beat was inspired by their yet to be born baby's heartbeat. Their first scan was during the Auckland Level 3 lockdown, so Emily had to go on her own and came home with a recording of their baby's heartbeat. It was this that inspired the song – all about anticipating meeting their baby (who came early and is already here!)
Band Name: Aro
Band members: Charles and Emily Looker
Home town: Tāmaki Makaurau
Musical inspiration: Nature, Te Ao Māori, Pēpi Looker (heh), Humans, Creation - and sooo many artists/musicians that we admire - too many to name!
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husband and wife duo Aro Photo: supplied