Nights for Monday 16 March 2020
7:12 Classical influences on the poetry of Aotearoa
The translation and imitation of Latin poets has been a consistent feature of modern New Zealand poetry in English. Working with The University of Canterbury's Teece Museum. Professor Harrison, Fellow and Tutor in Classics at Corpus Christi College, Oxford and Professor of Latin Literature in the University of Oxford is exploring the influence of Catullus, a poet of the late Roman Republic, on the work of both James K Baxter and C K Stead.
7:35 The Sampler
This week in The Sampler Nick Bollinger reviews a set full of jukebox rockabilly and sibling harmony from Tami Neilson; discusses the South Pacific soul of Sam Ford & Trudi Green; and the way Sam Lee brings Britain's folk past into the present.
8:10 Song forThe Road - Mark Garner
We're talking to some night time drivers about the music that keeps them trucking.
If you're on the road in the dark and there's a particular piece of music you'd like to share with us, drop us a line at
8:15 Dateline Pacific
RNZ Pacific's daily current affairs programme covering the major Pacific stories of the week, with background and reaction from the people making the news.
8:30 Window on the World
Pilots and cabin crew say toxic air from in-flight "fume events" is harming them, but airlines say there is no proven link. The BBC's Assignment programme investigate the science and solutions.
9:10 Nights Sport
I feel like there is only one sports story in town at the moment. The impacts of Covid-19 are very much being felt the sporting arena, with virtually every sport affected in some way. Dana Johannsen joins us with the details.
9:30 Insight
A year on since the Christchurch mosque attacks, many are still struggling to recover and to rebuild their lives. In the first six months following the shootings, Conan Young followed the journey of one of the wounded, Ahmed Jahangir.
10:17 Lately
Lately with Karyn Hay is a late night radio show on RNZ National, with an eye on live events, an ear for music, a great sense of humour and a genuine interest in people and their stories.
11:07 Nashville Babylon
On tonight's Nashville Babylon Mark has new tracks from Courtney Marie Andrews, Terry Allen, Thee Sacred Souls and the James Hunter Six.
There's also birthday tunes for Lightning Hopkins and Cahrles Bradley plus classics from Giant Sand and JJ Cale.