09:05 Chile Earthquake

The relatives of around 120 New Zealanders in Chile are still waiting an anxious wait for news, after the huge quake disrupted communications.

James Hamilton is the father of 17-year-old Wellington girl Jess Allison who had just arrived in Chile on an exchange programme when the earthquake hit.

09:15 Chile earthquake and tsunami - New Zealands response, alert and warnings

John Townend, EQC Fellow in Seismic Studies, School of Geography, Environment, and Earth Sciences, Victoria University.

09:20 Teen Girls study on violence and drinking

Donna Swift, Social Anthropolgist undertaking major study on teen girls.

09:30 Menu bootcamp for restaurateurs

Gregg Rapp, US Menu Engineer and consultant - holds menu bootcamps for restaurateurs to help raise profits. Demand for his service has gone up during the recession.


10:00 Garth Cartwright - Roots Music, Tales from the road, through American Music and Gypsy Musicians

More miles than money - journeys through American music by Garth Cartwright
Published by Serpent's Tail

10:30 Book Review with Paul Diamond

Chaos by Edmund White
Published by Bloomsbury

10:45 Reading: Duet, by David Hill

(Parts 1 to 5 of 15)

Kallum plays blues guitar and thinks classical music is for losers. But when his mate Saul asks him to play a duet for the youth orchestra, he agrees to give it a go.

11:05 Politics with Andrew Campbell and Matthew Hooten

11:30 Guest Chef Jeremy Jones and wine commentator

Marinated Salmon salad with Lime and Pickled Ginger

Baked Butterfish with Courgettes, Lemon and Thyme

11:45 Urbanist Tommy Honey looks at the Auckland and Wellington waterfronts