09:05 Changes to the Auckland supercity legislation

John Banks, Mayor of Auckland City; Peter McKinlay, director of Auckland's University of Technology's (AUT) local Government centre - he is also a Tauranga based consultant on strategic public policy primarily on local government; and Rodney Hide, Minister of Local Government.

09:20 Free public libraries

Are the days of free public libraries coming to an end, as some councils propose a user pays system to help keep their rates charges in check?

Rick Curach, Tauranga City Councillor; and Bob Mckee, Chief Executive of CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) of the UK.

09:45 USA correspondent Luiza Savage

The ongoing disaster and the politics of the BP oil spill and how the Obama admin is under siege by critics across the political spectrum; and the struggle within the republican party over how to best use the anti-government "Tea Party" movement to defeat Obama's democrats.

10:05 Climate Spin

Cultural historian Judith Williamson argues that the media and advertising industry's use of "climate spin" is helping people to deny the extent of climate change.

Judith Williamson is a Writer and Professor of Cultural History at the University for the Creative Arts (London).

Judith Williamson's recent talk on Climate Spin at Downstage theatre as part of the Dialogues with Tomorrow series.

Blackberry GlacierChristian Aid

Click on an image to see a larger version.

10:30 Book Review with Emma Hart

Dandy Gilve and the Proper Treatment of Bloodstains by Catriona McPherson
Published by Hodder & Stoughton

10:45 Reading. Skin Writing: Aroha Mai, Aroha Atu by Briar Grace-Smith

Another story from the small tattoo studio called Underworld where the lines between the past and present meet every day.

11:05 Business and economic commentator Rod Oram

NZ companies promoting themselves at the Shanghai Expo.

11:20 Urban Homestead - Jules Dervaes

The Dervaes family have transformed their California home into an urban homestead. They harvest nearly 3 tons of organic food from their 1/10 acre garden while incorporating many back-to-basics practices, as well as solar energy and biodiesel. The idea started when the family was living in Hokitika in the 1970s.


11:45 Media commentator Denis Welch