Sounds Historical for Sunday 8 June 2014
8:11 Today in New Zealand History 4’18”
Gabriel Read makes public his gold finds at Waitahuna, 8 June 1861.
8:16 Song: Gabriel Read 5’02”
Artist: Phil Garland
Composer: Garland
Album: A Sense of Place
Label: Kiwi SLC 250
8:22 Homework – questions for June
1. Name the female singer
2. Which New Zealand Prime Minister captained the Canterbury rugby team?
8:27 D Day – 70 years on
Andrew McRae talks to New Zealanders who took part.
8:38 Song: The Longest Day
Artist: City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra
Composer: N/S
Album: Prime Time (Silva Screen) TVPMCD 812
Label: Prime Time Silva Screen
8:44 Brigadier James Hargest, New Zealand’s D-Day observer 10’50”
He sends a Christmas message from London December 1943 and tells something of his war adventures in a March 1944 BBC programme. He is mentioned in a despatch from France just after D Day and Colonel Fred Waite pays tribute to him after his death by a shell in France in August 1944.
8:56 Letters
9:08 As I Remember 5’11”
From Bikes to Motors by John Dwyer of Lower Hutt. Read by David Knowles.
9:14 Homework – results from May homework
1. Peter Cape wrote of “a great big bunch of jokers standing round the door” in the song Down the Hall on Saturday Night.
2. The poem is Not Understood by Thomas Bracken.
Winners: Gordon Douglas of Dunedin, Barry De Lisle of Tokoroa
Prizes: Dear Tyrant – an extraordinary colonial life by Barrie Allom, Wairarapa Archive/Fraser Books, The Rise and Fall of National Women’s Hospital by Linda Bryder, Auckland University Press
Questions for June homework:
1. Name the female singer
2. Which New Zealand Prime Minister captained the Canterbury rugby team?
9:18 Song: Down the Hall on Saturday Night 2’02"
Artist: Peter Cape
Composer: Cape
Album: Peter Cape’s Kiwi Ballad (cassette)
Label: Kiwi TC SLC 123
9:21 Athol Cook of Auckland 11’39”
Recorded in 1976, recalls his days as a prisoner of war after being captured in Crete while serving with an Australian battalion. Part Three.
9:34 Song: Dixie Danny 2’56”
Artist: Pat McMinn
Composer: Reichner
Album: Kiwi Nostalgia
Label: BMG 74321 392832
9:39 How the West was Won 17’47”
An extract from a 1987 Spectrum documentary in which Grant White joins Waitemata mayor Tim Shadbolt to talk about his election campaign and his logging project in which pines are being felled for low-cost housing.