Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

From Spectrum, 12:06 pm on 26 April 2015

Magna Carta crop
Unpopular and unscrupulous King John reluctantly accepts the demands being read out to him from Magna Carta by an English baron while Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen Langton, who drew up Magna Carta, looks on.

"Hear Ye, Hear Ye! I have matters of great import to announce from Magna Carta!"

Magna Carta

Taupo’s Tongariro domain is a long way in time and distance from the signing of Magna Carta 800 years ago at Runnymeade near Windsor but for the medievalists gathered here it’s well worth celebrating.

Magna Carta Lindsay Diggelmann
After the short reenactment, history lecturer Lindsay Diggelmann, watched by a suspicious King John, explains how Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter) has resonated down the ages.

Magna Carta pan
Copy of Magna Carta and archers sharpen their skills at the butts.

Magna Carta has influenced other great documents such as the American Declaration of Independence and even New Zealand’s Treaty of Waitangi.

Magna Carta
A village blacksmith describes his ancient craft to a fascinated young onlooker.

Spectrum’s Jack Perkins explores Taupo’s Medieval Fair. In addition to Magna Carta celebrations, he also discovers Druids, battling knights and a host of activities typical of a village green of long ago.