26 Mar 2017

Screen Gems: Cats!

From Standing Room Only, 1:45 pm on 26 March 2017

In Screen Gems, cat lover Irene Gardiner reminds Simon Morris of some of our favourite screen cats from New Zealand and abroad.

While cats are the undisputed kings of the internet, they don't actually feature very prominently in TV shows and films - no doubt largely because of their notorious difficulty in being wrangled. There's a reason for the expression "it's like herding cats".

There's a movie out at the moment though that has risen to the challenge of starring a cat - A Street Cat Named Bob - a true story based on the best-selling book of the same name. Even the movie had to call in the real Bob to play himself, however, after the actor cats couldn't quite master sitting on someone's shoulder in quite the right way. Irene also explores The Adventures of Milo and Otis, as well as cat characters Felix and Rastus the Goodnight Kiwi's cat friend.