5 Mar 2017

Leni Sinclair: photographing the counterculture

From Sunday Morning, 10:35 am on 5 March 2017

Photographer and political activist Leni Sinclair was at the heart of the US counterculture in the 1960s and 1970s.

She has photographed jazz musicians and rock stars since the early 1960s and along with then husband John Sinclair founded the White panther Party with Pun Plamondon. A group which supported the aims of the Black Panther Party.

The East German-born photographer has captured images of jazz greats John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk and Miles Davis, Iggy Pop, Bob marley, Keith Richards and MC5.

Sinclair, who still lives and works in Detroit, told Wallace Chapman she has thousands of negatives yet to see the light of day and is in the process of digitising her archive.

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