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30 March 2008

Poutu-te-rangi 30

He ao te rangi ka uhia, he kai te whare wananga ka toroa.
As clouds deck the heaven, so food prolongs the wananga.
Voiced by Jo O'Brian (Ngati Awa)

The Traditional Knowledge Revival Pathways (TKRP) is a project that supports the research and development of communities to regain and strengthen their own traditional knowledge. TKRP does this by supporting local communities to record, and the apply their own knowledge, in order to strengthen outcomes for traditional and contemporary life. Last year a roopu representing TKRP visited the shores of Aotearoa, where they discussed with Te Ahi Kaa the systems within the Australian Aboriginal world, and how the traditional way of life, and the lessons learnt over thousands of years, are being safe-guarded for future generations.

Inter-tribal disputes led to a decline in the number of Moriori, who populated the Chatham Islands, which in turn led to the loss of traditional knowledge, skills, and expertise. However some knowledge was recorded and now centuries on that knowledge is being brought back to life with the help of the Traditional Knowledge Revival Pathways Project. Maui Solomon (Moriori, Ngai Tahu) describes the visit last year of the group presenting TKRPP and how Moriori are incorporating the project to revitalize Traditional Knowledge sacred to Moriori.

The late Sir James Henare (Ngati Hine) believed passionately in education as a form of independence, and was an advocate for an education system that embraced the Treaty of Waitangi within its framework. In 1984, Sir James spoke at Hui Matauranga Maori that was held at Turangawaewae Marae, about learning under both a Maori and Western education system. This week on Nga Taonga Korero, Henare explains what influence his father and grandfather played in his schooling, and what fears he had for the-then developing Kohanga Reo system.

The webpage proclaims: "We're going to build a Marae in Sydney!!!"
As the number of Maori living in Australia increases, a fundraising effort is underway to do just that, build a Marae in Sydney. This gives the locals a place they can call home, and a reminder of where they come from. The official launch of the Sydney Marae Appeal is scheduled for the 26th of July (which coincides with the first Bledisloe Cup rugby match of the year), Te Ahi Kaa looks at what benefits there will be for the thousands of Maori, who not only live and work there, but were born and breed across the ditch.