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Ka hinga atu he tete kura, ka hara mai he tete kura

As one fern frond dies, one is born to take its place

When sitting Member of Parliament, Labour Party’s Parekura Horomia (1950 - 2013) died on April 29, 2013 the seat of Ikaroa Rawhiti (that he held) was vacated. A date for a by-election on 29 June, 2013 soon followed. Never has a seat been so contested and it has certainly heated up recently with the confirmation of candidates from political parties that could potentially determine the next government. This special broadcast brings you highlights from Hei Waha, a debate held in Wellington last weekend. Chaired by David Jones the debate features candidates; Marama Davidson (Greens), Te Hamua Nikora (Mana), Nā Raihania (Māori) and Meka Whaitiri (Labour).  

A panel with Dr Maria Bargh, Te Upoko o Te Ika Iwi Radio Station Political Commentators Adrian Wagner and Thomas Curtis then summarise the performance of each candidate.    

Hei Waha
Taken at Taita Community Hall, Wellington 09 June, 2013 at Hei Waha Debate between Candidates standing in Ikaroa Rawhiti By - Election on 29 June, 2013