22 Sep 2014

Te Manu Korihi News for 22 September 2014

From Te Manu Korihi, 8:48 am on 22 September 2014

The new MP for the Western Maori seat of Te Tai Hauauru is critical of the Government's implementation of Whanau Ora; The Mana Party co-vice president, Annette Sykes, wants the Kingitanga to step in and help reconcile the political division within Maoridom; Hone Harawira's supporters say he's achieved so much for the North since he took the Tai Tokerau seat nine years ago; Te Tonga MP, Rino Tirikatene of the Labour Party, says housing and building better relationships with both Ngai Tahu and the wider Maori community are his main priorities as he enters his second term as an electorate MP.