24 Nov 2018

On robots and remembering: This Is Love

From The Podcast Hour, 12:40 pm on 24 November 2018
This Is Love 'How To Live Forever' (Julienne Alexander via Facebook)

This Is Love 'How To Live Forever' (Julienne Alexander via Facebook) Photo: (Julienne Alexander via Facebook)

'This Is Love' is made by the same team that makes 'Criminal', a show that we featured on The Podcast Hour a few months' back.  

'Criminal' tells true stories about right and wrong, and how to tell the difference. And the subject matter of 'This Is Love' is no less broad or ambitious- it investigates the mystery of love in all its endless variety.

The show returned with a second season of stories last week, starting with 'How To Live Forever'. It's a moving, thoroughly modern tale about the development of a lifelike robot called Bina 48 that's modelled on a real woman, and which one day could offer us the prospect of a kind of digital immortality.

Bina 48 (This Is Love Facebook page)

Bina 48 (This Is Love Facebook page) Photo: (This Is Love Facebook page)

We play some of 'How To Live Forever'- Episode 7 of 'This Is Love' hosted by Phoebe Judge, who co-created it with Lauren Spohrer, and the show is produced by Nadia Wilson and mixed by Rob Byers.

Episode 8 is out this week and it's another goodie- all about someone who finds a message in a bottle, and tries to find the person who wrote it.