The Panel with Mike Rehu and Dellwyn Stewart (Part 1)
The Christchurch Regeneration Minister Megan Woods has today announced the rebuild of the Cathedral will see stonemasons starting work by the end of the year. The Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Trust chair Peter Guthrey tells us what Cantabs are likely to see done with the budget of $104M for the Cathedral. A listener tells us it's the trickle "up" effect not trickle-down. The mass of the population buys all the stuff and pays for all the services that make those at the top better off. It's another conversation today about the value and the worth of certain jobs and certain people. In China they're to cap the salaries of celebrities while in New Zealand the PSA is asking for public support for payrises for hospital admin staff. The Auckland Council wants to sell off prime marina land to pay off debt. There's stiff opposition from those who use the marinas. They're questioning the ethos of selling public land using the Public Works Act. Euan Little of the newly-formed Auckland Marina Users Association says the Council has disregarded some legislation around the use of the marina land.Another mass shooting in the USA.The mayor of Annapolis said "This cannot be the new normal." But it appears it is.