9 May 2019

The Panel with Sue Bradford and Stephen Franks (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:03 pm on 9 May 2019

In a rare parliamentary move, the Speaker named and suspended National MP Nick Smith for a comment yesterday. The dispute happened in the last question of the day in Question Time when Smith accused Mallard of being " soft on drugs, like the Government." We speak to Law Professor Andrew Geddis about the political purpose of suspending MPs. A new study has found a Universal Basic Income may not work - that is it can't alleviate poverty and be economically viable at the same time. There are many people both on the left and the right that support the idea of giving everyone a guaranteed income but it seems it may be hard to implement. The panelists give their views on the idea. The Israel Folau saga continues with many figures coming to his defence. Wallabies star Israel Folau was found guilty of a "high level" breach of his contract, following his controversial Instagram post about homosexuals and sinners. Now a controversial boxer has waded into the debate, saying he is a victim of racism. The panelist discuss the case and where to from here.