11 Nov 2019

The Panel with Mark Knoff-Thomas and Mihingarangi Forbes

From The Panel, 4:02 pm on 11 November 2019

On 4 November 1989 a million people flooded onto the streets bearing lit candles to protest against a repressive East German regime that days later would yield power to people and raise the toll bars at the border crossings in the city. It was an extraordinary moment and what followed was then, almost unthinkable...The Berlin Wall would be dismantled in days. It came down officially on November 9, thirty years ago. National MP Joanne Hayes reckons benefit cuts could be good for Maori. Ms Hayes is the party's Maori development spokesperson. She says social welfare is not necessarily a good thing and added that cutting benefits could strengthen whanau - if they're resourceful. Her comments have been condemned by the Maori council. Home ownership levels are at the lowest level since 1951. According the the 2018 census 64.5 percent of New Zealanders own their own home compared with nearly 74 percent in the early 90s. Economist from Infometrics Brad Olsen joins the discussion. Do you ever wear shorts to work? That's the debate between stylists in a piece on the ABC. It begins with a quote from fashion designer Tom Ford - "A man should never wear shorts in the city, shorts should only be worn on the tennis court or the beach".