
The recession-proof treasure found washed up on beaches around the world and worth up to $30,000 a kilo! With author Christopher Kemp, Anton van Helden from Te Papa and Haami Te Whaiti.

Naked Science

Dr Chris Smith on using a mother's blood to sequence her baby's DNA before birth. Also some good news in the fight against heart disease, and for spinal injury patients.

Mindless eating

Brian Wansink's working on visual cues like coloured potato chips to tell us when we're full and to stop us eating more than we should.

Cutlery taste

Dr Zoe Laughlin of the Institute of Making at University College London is studying what cutlery tastes like and how it can impart flavour to our food.

TR10 Emerging technologies part 1

We look at some of the world's top emerging technologies with Jason Pontin, the editor-in-chief of the Technology Review.