8 Feb 2016

Olivia Carville - life after trauma

From Waitangi Day, 9:30 am on 8 February 2016

Olivia Carville was working at The Press newspaper in Christchurch on February 22nd 2011. Moments after the initial quake, she headed out into the streets with a cameraman to capture the devastation and chaos. Hundreds oif thousands of people watched the harrowing footage online.

Later she left to work as an investigative reporter in Canada, where her Toronto Star scoop on the sex trafficking trade is still making waves.  

On the fourth anniversary of the 2011 quake, Olivia put her personal feelings in to words for The Press from faraway Canada. Remarkably, The Toronto Star put it on their front page.

Some days I feel like I’ve abandoned my wounded hometown. I fear that when I do return I will be given the cold shoulder; treated as a stranger in my own city.

But, my heart has and always will be in Christchurch, no matter how many miles away I am, no matter how long I’m gone and no matter how much it changes.

It’s my native land: It’s where I made my first mistakes, it’s where I learned to love, it’s where I learned to write, it’s where I learned to lose.

Olivia Carville, February 2015

She's now back to work at The New Zealand Herald, and reflecting on the upcoming fifth anniversary of the the big quake.