10:57 am today

Watch: Health Minister announces details on government's new health targets

10:57 am today

The new commissioner of Health NZ has assured the government that its health targets can and will be achieved with the current resources.

Those targets were announced in May - promising a focus on cancer treatment, immunisation rates, emergency department stays, and wait times.

Health Minister Shane Reti has this morning laid out a plan for achieving those goals, including setting up more community infusion centres for chemotherapy.

He has promised more beds and operating theatre space in public hospitals, as well more use of private hospitals.

Dr Reti said efforts will also be made to keep acute care and planned care separate.

Last month, the coalition replaced Health NZ's board with a sole commissioner - Lester Levy.

Reti is speaking to media from Hutt Hospital and it is being livestreamed at the top of this page.

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