6 Jun 2014

Crown says no need for mandate inquiry

6:43 pm on 6 June 2014

Lawyers for the Crown have told the Waitangi Tribunal there is no need for it to investigate the mandate to settle Ngapuhi Treaty claims.

Eleven sub-tribes and hapu who are boycotting the mandated authority, Tuhoronuku, have asked the tribunal for an urgent hearing.

The hapu say Tuhoronuku is a runanga creation that does not fairly represent them.

However in submissions to the tribunal, Crown lawyers said an urgent inquiry into the mandate could cause further division and there is no need for it.

They said the Crown wants only what is best for the iwi and believes the Tuhoronuku deed, amended to suit the objectors, is for the good of all Ngapuhi.

Elections to Tuhoronuku end on Saturday and the Crown would reassess the mandate after that.

The tribunal sits at Waitangi later in June.