30 Jun 2014

Extra road money doesn't impress all

9:24 am on 30 June 2014

The promise of $212 million for regional roads has failed to impress some provincial mayors, Radio New Zealand reports.

Prime Minister John Key announced the new money at the National Party conference. Opposition parties labelled the move as an election-year bribe for the regions, a charge denied by Key.

It includes $80 million which will be spent bringing work forward to next year on five priority roads in Otago, Canterbury, Northland, Gisborne and Taranaki.

The new money, which all comes from the proceeds of asset sales, also includes $12 million for planning for three roading projects in Napier, Nelson and Rotorua.

Another $115 million has been tagged for six new projects including the Taramakau Bridge on the West Coast, a single lane bridge shared by vehicles, trains and cycles.