RNZ Summer section
Get it while it’s hot!
The best of 2020 and everything you need to have a great summer

Live recordings, music mixes, and features to enjoy — wherever you are
Stories, music and audio books for the whole family, plus great parenting advice

All our favourites from the last year — podcasts, interviews, audio books, documentaries and more
Look back on a year like no other and look forward to what 2021 might bring

Great books, TV, film, music and games to enjoy yourself — or wrap up for someone special

Many of our regular radio shows and presenters are taking a well earned break. Instead, you can enjoy the sunlit sounds of Summer Times, Matinee Idle and The Weekend as well as a tonne of great music and highlights from the year.
We will resume normal programming on Monday 25 January.
Find out more about our summer programming on rnz.co.nz/radio