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Displaying items 4711 - 4740 of 20080 in total
He Kakano Ahau Series 2 - Mahinga Kai
Mahinga Kai is the connection of the taiao and kai gathering, Kahu Kutia is in Waihopai with Mere Skerrett to learn more about the tītī - mutton bird. Audio
Why horror movies can be good for us
Halloween is fast approaching, and for many people that means it's time for an annual dose of cinematic spookiness. Horror entertainment, says horror expert Professor Mathias Clasen, aims to evoke… Audio
The changing face of New Zealand libraries
The country's librarians are about to meet to discuss how libraries have moved with the times, but why there's a lot more moving to do. Their association LIANZA has organised a three-day conference… Audio
NZ journalist Charlotte Bellis returns to Afghanistan: 'It's just life and death on so many levels'
New Zealand Al Jazeera journalist Charlotte Bellis is back in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The intrepid Christchurch-born reporter feels safe on her return to the Afghan capital, despite the fact… Audio
Take It Easy
In 1972 The Eagles provided some sage advice about taking it easy. But is it being heeded in recent releases by Adele and PJ Harvey? Audio
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New Zealand's UK and EU free trade ambitions
Audio 31 Oct 2021In today's Focus on Politics podcast, Political Reporter Katie Scotcher takes a deeper look at New Zealand's free trade ambitions with the UK and Europe. Audio
Te Rito - a new bid to boost diversity in our newsrooms
We’ve had too few journalists of Māori, Pasifika and Asian origin in our newsrooms for decades - and now there’s a new publicly-funded push to turn that round. Four established outlets are backing the… Video, Audio
Hymns on Sunday, 31 October 2021
It’s Reformation Day today (31 October): it was on this day in 1517 that Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. We’ll hear Luther’s great hymn A… Audio
NZ Post overwhelmed by Auckland's ongoing lockdown
Auckland's 11 week lockdown has NZ Post on the brink. The demand for online shopping is so great, the company has been forced to hire 800 more workers but a van shortage in the city means deliveries… Video, Audio
NZ couple separated from baby son, denied MIQ exemption
A New Zealand couple is facing the devastating possibility of being separated from their toddler until border restrictions ease hopefully sometime next year. Audio
More children living in motels as housing crisis unrelenting
The government is running out of motels to place families in as the housing crisis reaches record levels, with children among those hardest hit.
There are now 4512 children living in motels - an… Audio
On the Farm - a wrap of farming conditions around NZ
Find out what's happening on farms and orchards around the country. Hawkes Bay had a 29 degree day this week and a bit of rain. That makes it a risky time for fire-blight in apples. Spring sowing of… Audio
Old Man's Beard busters in full swing in Upper Hutt
Old Man's Beard - it's a pest plant that grows quickly, and smothers trees to death. It's bad in Upper Hutt - but fortunately Chris Cosslett and the Upper Hutt Busters of Old Man's Beard are on the… Audio
Privacy Foundation concerned ACC management dropped the ball on privacy
The Privacy Foundation wants evidence ACC is undertaking the two-yearly privacy audits it committed to in 2012, to help it stay on track with much-needed improvements to its operations.
The… Audio
Taihape School rejects ministry apology over farm
A Taihape school is rejecting the Education Ministry's apology for taking its students' farm away.
The school accuses the bureaucrats of incompetence and letting the farm's facilities degrade into a… Audio
Bonus Episode: Identify Yourself
Psychologist and media commentator Dr Sarb Johal on identity and ambition. Produced by Charlie Bleakley. Audio
The case for cutting the coverage of anti-vaxxers
Analysis: Anti-vaxxers have been in the news a lot recently, and all the coverage is putting the media in danger of becoming a vector for misleading or false messages. Audio
Coming up
Health reforms: diagnosis and second opinions
Parliament is considering a major health reform. We outline the symptoms, diagnoses and the treatment plans proposed by the different parties. Audio
Fossils about 3.5 million years old found in Auckland tunnel dig
Fossils up to three and a half million years old have been discovered while digging a tunnel to move Auckland's waste water.
Now Auckland Museum has partnered with Watercare to collect, identify… Video, Audio
2021 New Zealand International Film Festival
Dan Slevin previews some of the titles in this year’s New Zealand International Film Festival.
Project Prima Volta update
Upbeat catches up with Project Prima Volta founder, Anna Pierard, to find out what's been happening recently for the Hawke's Bay youth project. Audio
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Technology commentator Sarah Putt
Technology commentator Sarah Putt joins Kathryn to look at this week's US congressional hearing that sought to investigate the harm that social media platforms like TikTok and Snapchat might be… Audio
UK correspondent Hugo Gye
UK correspondent Hugo Gye looks at the job ahead of Chancellor Rishi Sunak in today's budget as the country emerges from the pandemic, the illness that's forced the Queen out of attending COP26 in… Audio
Sports News for 28 October 2021
The Black Caps are confident the lessons from an opening loss can help keep their title chances alive in a crucial second match at cricket's T20 World Cup. Audio
Favourite plants
Claire Concannon hears how the the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network's favourite plant competition is shaping up, while Katy Gosset learns about research to improve the quality and growth… Audio
Episode 3: Some Professional Advice
One of the very first places you are going with your child on their transition is the Doctor's office. Joe talks to a couple of experts about what to expect. Audio
Diving into Patsy
Patsy questions often get roundly ignored. Today we’re doing the opposite and diving deeper. Video, Audio
Time to change the Covid conversation
All over the world COVID has created an epidemic of tribalism and virtue signaling says Dr Vinay Prasad, an Associate Professor in the Epidemiology department at the University of California in San… Audio
Rebel Wilson talks about her first children's book
Rebel Wilson is an Australian actor, writer and producer who's fulfilled a long time ambition to write a children's book. Audio
Hunters need to be part of conservation management plan
Hunters want to help protect the country's conservation estate, but say they need to be included in conversations about culling deer, pigs and goats.
Forest & Bird has created a series of maps from… Audio