Stories by Aaron Smale
Parents open to te reo Māori in schools, but most kids not being taught
Parents are open to Māori language being a core subject in primary schools, a survey suggests, though at present most students are not being taught the language.
Wairarapa iwi to settle with Crown
A Wairarapa iwi is poised to sign a treaty settlement with the Crown that includes the return of Mt Bruce Reserve.
Māori reoffending too complex to blame on Corrections, Crown says
The Department of Corrections is disputing a claim before the Waitangi Tribunal that it is failing to rehabilitate Māori offenders.
Corrections failing Māori in jail - Treaty claim
The Crown has tried to deflect blame for the high rates of reoffending by Māori in the prison system, saying it is making every effort to rehabilitate inmates.
Collins 'posturing' with ban on gangs
A senior member of the Mongrel Mob has challenged Judith Collins about her stance on gang members working with government agencies. Video
Māori teaching funding in question
A Maori language advocate is upset mainstream primary schools wanting extra help to teach basic Māori language have to fund it out of their general budget.
Buck backs te reo Māori in schools
A Māori language programme supported by former All Black Buck Shelford and his wife Jo has taken off on Auckland's North Shore.
Kiwis urged to help Māori language survive
Wellington streets were filled with the sounds of waiata and haka today as Māori Language Week kicked off with a parade. Video
Minister defends TPK's record on homelessness
Homelessness is too big an issue for Te Puni Kōkiri to deal with alone, the Minister of Māori Development says.
Kaumatua hit the capital with kapa haka
The bones may have been a bit creaky but the voices were in fine form at the annual Kaumātua Kapa Haka festival at Te Papa over the weekend.
Academics challenge government on water rights
The government is again breaching the Treaty of Waitangi in its proposed allocation of water rights, two Victoria University academics say.
Emerging Māori writers selected for mentoring
Six promising writers have been chosen by Huia Publishers to be part of a mentoring program.
Poet's crib to become writers' residence
Hone Tuwhare's crib in Otago is getting a $100,000 spruce-up for use in a writers' residency.
Minister calls for more Māori in tech sector
Māori Development Minister Te Ururoa Flavell has told a hui in Gisborne that more Māori need to be exploring careers in technology.
Housing crucial for health of Māori
Housing is a crucial factor in the well-being of young mothers and their children, an expert in Māori women's health says.
Iwi objects to settlement proposal
The government has been accused of pitting Māori against each other during a select committee hearing.