Stories by Alisha Evans
Tauranga dog attack: Council appeals judge’s decision
Tauranga council believes the judge focused on the victim of the attack rather than the responsibilities of the dog's owner.
'Significant changes' ahead for Tauranga’s CBD
Revitalisation of Tauranga's city centre is "absolutely critical" for New Zealand's fifth largest city and the council has released a plan to ensure it.
Western Bay of Plenty District Council has 'serious concerns' over fluoride directive
Tauranga and the Western Bay of Plenty have been directed to fluoridate their water supplies but one council has serious concerns about it.
Plans underway for New Zealand Land Wars cultural centre in Tauranga
A "nationally significant" cultural centre that will tell the story of the New Zealand land wars in Tauranga is one step closer.
'Right thing to do': Co-ownership of land 'elegant solution' - commissioner
A "significant step" has been taken to right a historic "betrayal" that occurred with an agreement for council and mana whenua to co-own land in the Tauranga CBD.
“Aggressive” speed bumps upset Pāpāmoa residents
Recently installed speed bumps on an arterial route in Pāpāmoa are causing concern for locals.
Drivers 'stressed, frightened' after machete wielded on bus
A union representative is calling for security guards' hours to be extended at bus stops in central Tauranga and Mount Maunganui after a passenger was caught carrying a machete onto a bus.
'Graffiti is ruining the city': Motorist wants cameras to catch taggers
Constant graffitiing of a stretch of highway in Tauranga is "downgrading the city", says one resident, who is calling for the culprits to be caught.
Freedom campers outstay welcome in Pāpāmoa
Pāpāmoa residents are frustrated by freedom campers overstaying in a beachside reserve carpark.
Double digit rates hike for Tauranga residents
Tauranga residents will see a rates increase of 13.7 percent this year, to help fund infrastructure and the Tauranga civic precinct.
Rottweiler attack: Judgment reserved after conflicting evidence over car instructions
Two different accounts of the same alleged dog attack have emerged during the trial of a Tauranga woman and her large rottweiler.
Huge rent rise could force Tauranga Men's Shed closure
The charity is facing a $20,000 rent increase over two years, and its chairman says the organisation can't absorb that cost.
Housing not an option for Tauranga Racecourse land
Using the Tauranga Racecourse land for housing has been taken off the table, with Tauranga City Council commissioners removing it as an option for future use of the site.
Home schooling applications dip after spike
Home education applications that saw a huge increase under the red setting of the Covid Protection Framework have dropped with the relaxing of rules.
More pupils back at school under framework's orange setting
Bay of Plenty schools have seen a surge in attendance this term, largely because of the shift to orange in the Covid Protection Framework.
Four buildings at Tauranga Hospital deemed earthquake-prone
The Bay of Plenty District Health Board is the latest organisation to be plagued with earthquake issues with Tauranga Hospital having four affected buildings.
Clubs concerned for future if stadium goes ahead
Tauranga sport clubs with more than a century of tradition could be displaced if a proposed stadium becomes a reality.
'Do it once, do it right' - Tauranga's civic precinct gets the go ahead
Tauranga's civic precinct has been given the green light and the full $303 million project will be realised.
Public anger over bus lane fines halts council meeting
A Tauranga City Council meeting came to an abrupt stop after a disgruntled public gallery heckled the commissioners over the Links Avenue trial.
Govt's health investment welcomed but a 'lost opportunity'
The government's investment in health is welcomed but is a "lost opportunity" to get more medical professionals in the community, according to the general practitioner's professional body.
Brakes put on free fares for young people in bid to rein in violence, vandalism
A spate of violence at bus stops in Tauranga has prompted the regional council to restrict free bus fares for under 18 year olds.
Tauranga by-election: 'Absolutely no evidence' behind Te Pāti Māori decision
Tauranga by-election candidates are upset and feel insulted about Te Pāti Māori's decision not to stand a candidate for safety reasons.
Million dollar road trial mistakenly pings driver
A Christchurch man got a big surprise when he was warned for using a bus lane in Mount Maunganui, despite being in Christchurch at the time.
Mount Maunganui road trial costs drivers $1.2 million in two weeks
A road trial closing one end of a popular Mount Maunganui through road has racked up $1.2 million in fines in just two weeks.
Pāpāmoa planting peeves off residents
Riparian planting along a Pāpāmoa waterway has been given the green light once again, but residents want the reserve left alone.