Stories by Colin Peacock
The media gets serious after silly season
Mediawatch - Summertime, and the living is easy, the old Gershwin song says. But he didn't have to cope with the Kiwi summer news drought. Video
The good, bad and weird media in 2024
Biggest flip-flop; best leading media by the nose; the Billy Connolly prize for breaking news about a single animal - Mediawatch's not-very-prestigious and not-at-all coveted annual media awards. Video
Media under the sinking lid in 2024
Mediawatch - The job losses came thick and fast in 2024: "I've worked in the industry for 30 years and never seen a year like it," RNZ's Guyon Espiner says.
If you can't beat social media or ban it, join it?
Mediawatch - Australia's social media ban for under-16s was cheered on by the media, but it also highlighted their own dependency on big tech - and our own government's hands-off approach.
Mediawatch: A tale of two towns' news
Both Taupō and Westport face saying goodbye to their only local newspaper - and local journalism.
Paper closures spark 'news deserts' warning
A proposal to close 14 local North Island papers has prompted warnings of overseas-style 'news deserts' springing up here.
'You don't know what you've lost until it's not there' - Proposal to close community papers will gut local news
Mediawatch - The closure of 14 local papers in the North Island could see the end of a century-long history.
Australia and Malaysia step up social media accountability
Mediawatch - Scams, spam, and disinformation and defamation still circulate on social media platforms that make little effort to counteract them. Will new laws help?
Media messages from Trump's triumph
Mediawatch - "It's their media world now. We just live in it." What can the news media take away from Donald Trump's election victory?
NZ Geographic's bold survival strategy
Mediawatch - The award-winning magazine has adopted "radical transparency" in a bold bid to secure survival and turn readers into stakeholders.
Capital council clash claims run ahead of the facts
Mediawatch - Media joined the chorus claiming the government will intervene in the council crisis in Wellington. Then they started saying they'd be better off out of it.
Google flexes muscle on local news
Mediawatch - One media executive says it could be "the end-of-days for journalism" in NZ if Google cuts ties with news. But why?
How did TVNZ end up shrinking?
Analysis - Mediawatch looks at the background to the state broadcaster reducing scope and scale and asks if the scrapped media merger was a missed opportunity.
Media in the thick of hospital 'blowout' backlash
Mediawatch - Local media helped drive the backlash to the u-turn on rebuilding Dunedin Hospital. But can they campaign on issues while also reporting them fairly?
Polkinghorne trial spotlights mental health in the media
Coverage of the trial blurred the lines on reporting suicide - and raised questions about how mental health can be aired in a healthy way.
Bad city vibes make big news
Mediawatch looks at a string of bad news about bad vibes in our big cities - with one in particular being singled out.
Epic broadcast marks new epoch for te ao Māori
As one Māori monarch was farewelled and a new one appointed this week, it was aired in perhaps the longest multimedia coverage of any event in this country's history. Video
Media focus on small stuff in big-budget transport plan
Some media queried how the $33b national transport plan will be funded. Others highlighted aspects that barely dent the budget.
Do we still care about the 6pm TV news?
Analysis - 'No-one watches the 6pm news anymore,' many claim, but plenty have read lots about the end of Newshub.
Merger decision due, media chief out
Analysis - Simon Tong's future as managing director of Fairfax Media was as uncertain as the future of the media company he led, writes Colin Peacock
Banned reporter hits back at Fiji PM
The Fijian Prime Minister was "making up facts for a speech" when he criticised NZ media yesterday, says a journalist he has blacklisted.
Is massive NZ media merger on the cards?
ANALYSIS - As rumours fly that NZME and Fairfax New Zealand could merge, Colin Peacock looks at how likely it is, and what it might mean. Audio
DJs overstep the line with Stokes stunt
ANALYSIS - Radio Hauraki DJs Matt Heath and Jeremy Wells are in hot water after an on-air prank at the expense of cricketer Ben Stokes' mother.
70 more Fairfax Media jobs to go
Fairfax Media today told 70 of its editorial team their jobs will go as part of a proposal the company says will save it money.
Review: Checkpoint with John Campbell
There were no gimmicks and visuals didn't call the shots on RNZ's first-ever live multimedia news show, writes Mediawatch's Colin Peacock. Audio