Stories by Farah Hancock
National's spend-up on social media ads
Christopher Luxon fronted quirky social media videos produced by renowned agency Topham Guerin. But National wasn't the top spender on advertising overall.
How three men get unprecedented power from a coalition bill
What is the Fast Track Approval Bill and why do experts say it's a step beyond even the Muldoon era?
How politicians funded their campaigns - and who spent the most
Analysis: What the numbers show about the cost of winning an electorate.
$2m surge in election campaign spending
Lobby and campaign groups spent 13 times more on the 2023 election campaign than in 2020.
What parents are actually required to pay schools
Explainer: Some schools issue 'invoices' that look like they have to be paid. But parents should know what is and isn't legally required.
Parents vs tax-payers - who funds schools better?
The wealthiest schools get over a million dollars in parent donations - much more than schools signed up to a new government scheme.
Guess who's coming to dinner? The parasite that could be your pal
They burrow into your skin, crawl up your windpipe and end up living in your small intestine. But some people are happily hosting hookworms for research into whether they might improve a raft of…
What is it about Winston Peters and natural health products?
NZ First has enjoyed the financial and political support of part of the natural health sector for many years. They're celebrating the party's immediate action upon returning to power.
What if political donations were reined in?
What would happen if only voters - not unions or businesses - could donate to political parties? A plan to do exactly that exists, if the government wants to try it.
Who the parties targeted, how they attacked and their key messages
One party appeared to target its ads at women, and one at men, while another doubled down on aiming for the elderly. RNZ examines three months of data leading up to the election.
The election campaign fight for your eyeballs
Every political party poured money into online ads that flooded the internet for three months.
Hipkins' new attack lines on heavy repeat
Labour's leader brought out three new phrases to attack Christopher Luxon, and got them out with startling regularity in the final head-to-head debate of the campaign.
Publicity-shy 'promoters' spending up on the election campaign
Some of the most active campaigners are new to politics. Another promoter is a wealthy foreign businessman.
Less is more in multi-party debate
One leader took 252 words to answer a question - another took just one.
Property industry's political favourites
The property industry gives more in political donations than any other, and its millions of dollars almost all go to two parties.
The one word National's leader used 76 times in last night's debate
If the debate was judged on repetition of a single word, Christopher Luxon would have won hands down.
How two men hogged the mic in the minor party leaders' debate
Winston Peters and David Seymour filled up significantly more air time than Marama Davidson and Debbie Ngarewa-Packer.
Luxon's very talkative debate debut
An RNZ analysis of the first leaders' debate shows National's leader got the most words in. But how much of it was hot air?
Billionaire Graeme Hart's $700k in donations to right wing parties
Billionaire Graeme Hart has donated a total of $700,000 to National, ACT and NZ First in the past two years.
Labour gets no significant donations from business
Since 2021, Labour has received zero substantial donations from business.
Anti co-governance website using 'quite deceitful' tactics
Hobson's Pledge is accused of 'astroturfing' in its campaign designed to recruit new migrants.
'Unprecedented' donations stream into National, Act
National has banked millions more than Labour, raising concern over the fairness of political donation rules.