Stories by Harry Lock
Council tenants should get government rent subsidy - councillor
Wellington City Council could make a preliminary decision this morning to end its role as landlord.
Public housing demand 'increasing significantly'
Councils are warning their inability to access a key government rent subsidy is stunting their plans for more public housing.
Council falls short of censuring Foster over Shelly Bay discussion
The Mayor of Wellington has been told to make a written apology after being found trying to influence a councillor's vote on the future of land at Shelly Bay.
'We've got to stop bashing': Politicians told to work together on Wellington safety
Politicians are being urged to stop "bashing" those living in emergency accommodation, and start including them in their discussions for solutions. Audio
'Why am I out of a job? What was the risk?' - Fired Customs worker
A Customs worker, fired for refusing the Covid-19 vaccine, is railing against the decision, saying her job never required regular testing or even protective clothing.
More border workers could lose jobs for not getting vaccinated
Thirteen people working in Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) facilities may be fired for not receiving the Covid-19 vaccine.
Unvaccinated workers fired by Customs should be compensated - advocate
Nine unvaccinated border workers fired by Customs may take their case to the Employment Court on the grounds their right to refuse medical treatment has been breached. Audio
Sexual violence campaigners urge action from Wellington City Council
Three weeks on from their rally calling for more action against sexual violence, members of the newly-formed Wellington Alliance Against Sexual Violence have voiced their demands to politicians.
Let's Get Wellington Moving appoints new leadership
The new position of an independent chair, as recommended by the review, has been given to Dave Brash, who was the national recovery manager for the Kaikōura earthquake.
'Inclusive' approach planned for gender, sexual identity questions within Census
Stats NZ has updated its guidelines for data collection on gender, sex and variations of sex characteristics.
Winston Peters in court to appeal privacy leak decision
Winston Peters was back in court today, appealing a decision made last year where he was ordered to pay nearly $320,000.
Wellington Mayor proposes council restructure following Winder review
A big structural overhaul of Wellington City Council has been proposed by the Mayor.
Study unearthing clues to New Zealand's past seismic events
Scientists have started digging into a beach on the southern coast of the North Island, searching for clues about earthquakes and tsunamis that have occurred in the past.
Wellington bus operators paying drivers living wage say proposal rewards those that don't
Bus drivers in Wellington are one stop closer to getting paid the living wage, but there are still some bumps in the road.
Mana whenua gain full voting rights on Wellington City Council
Mana whenua representatives in Wellington will be given full voting rights and will sit on nearly all council committees and subcommittees.
'Sacred and significant': blessing ceremony as moa bones moved to museum
When moa bones were found 3m deep in the earth during a road construction project, it was heralded as a discovery of great significance.
Separated migrant families protest at Parliament urging reunification
"Besides the birthdays and the milestones, it's that every other day in between. To say 'good night' and 'don't worry, I'll see you soon" for 450 days, it's mind-boggling."
'A real wake-up call': landmark closing after fundraising falls short
Wellington's landmark St Gerard's Church will close its doors later next month, after the owners failed to raise enough money to get the earthquake-prone building strengthened.
Wellington City Council vote on long term plan delayed a week
Wellington City Council's confirmation vote on its long term plan to be put out to consultation, has been delayed until next week.
Wellington rally will demand action against sexual violence
A rally will be held this evening in Wellington demanding action against sexual violence.
Wellington councils warned over risks around spending big on water infrastructure
Audit New Zealand is warning councils in the Wellington region of the risks and uncertainty of spending big on water infrastructure.
No Body in charge at Let's Get Wellington Moving
Andrew Body, the director of stalled transport programme Let's Get Wellington Moving, has resigned.
NZ transport system contributing to distress - study
A new study has shown New Zealand's transport system could be contributing to increasing levels of psychological distress.
NZ Olympian thankful for chance to apply for vaccine
An Olympian heading to this year's Tokyo Games says athletes in New Zealand do not face the same dilemma as athletes overseas because Covid-19 is not rife in the community.
Alarm raised over potential Kāpiti Coast rates rise
A Kāpiti Coast community board member has sounded the alarm over proposed rates hikes of an average of more than 8 percent per year for the next three years.