Stories by John Gerritsen
High school principals face high level of psychological distress - survey
The Secondary Principals' Association is alarmed by survey results that indicate its members are more likely to suffer abuse and stress than other people.
Fewer Year 8 children enjoy maths than they did five years ago - study
About 10 percent of teachers said they did not enjoy maths and were not confident teaching it but all teachers agreed teaching maths was important, the study found.
International student enrolments at polytechnics growing
Foreign students are returning to polytechnics faster than expected, Te Pūkenga says.
Te Pūkenga's leaders reveal organisation headed for another big deficit this year
Te Pūkenga's leaders have revealed the national polytechnic and workplace training organisation is heading for another big deficit this year.
Fifteen percent of school leavers had no NCEA qualifications last year
Official figures show that is the worst figure ever recorded, beating 14 percent of students in 2012.
Secondary teachers should get 14.5 percent pay rise, arbitration panel recommends
The recommendation is expected to end a protracted pay dispute between the Ministry of Education and the Post Primary Teachers Association.
Course demand a bright spot amid tertiary enrolment turbulence
Tertiary enrolment figures show how different subject areas fared during the roller-coaster years of the Covid-19 pandemic.
University course completion rates lowest since 2014
Universities and student reps blamed the pandemic, increased online learning and the cost-of-living crisis.
Principals face difficulties attracting foreign teachers to New Zealand
Principals say they are finding it harder to attract foreign teachers from traditional source countries like the UK and Canada.
University of Waikato reveals $16.8 million deficit for 2022
The University of Waikato has revealed a $16.8 million deficit for 2022.
Ministry of Education challenges claims children sent home due to lack of teachers
The Ministry has challenged principals' claims that schools have been forced to send children home due to lack of teachers. In fact, it says there's no evidence that happened.
Major study finds no change in children's average maths achievement
A major study has found no change in children's average maths achievement but the gap between rich and poor has grown for Year 8s.
Pupils sent home, principals back in classrooms as 'staffing crisis' bites
Principals warn the teacher shortage in some regions is the worst they have ever seen as schools reopen for the third term.
Treasury unsure school lunch scheme represents value for money - Budget document
A Budget document shows Treasury does not support the free school lunch scheme, Ka Ora, Ka Ako.
Universities' proposed language cuts threaten NZ's interests, academics warn
Academics warn university language cuts threaten New Zealand's economic and strategic interests.
'I have a lot of concerns about it' - Researcher urges caution over use of online platforms
An academic is recommending caution over New Zealand schools' growing use of online platforms and videos for teaching.
Principals worried about funding change for children with high needs
Auckland schools will soon no longer apply for In Class Support for their pupils, a source of funding worth about $18 million a year nationally.
'Where's the physics and chemistry?' - Shock over draft of science curriculum
An advance version of the draft school science curriculum which contains no mention of physics, chemistry or biology is alarming science teachers. Audio
Schools for people with disabilities see rising demand despite UN call to close them
Enrolments have doubled at the country's three boarding schools for disabled children while the government decides their future.
The regions with the best and worst school attendance
Ministry of Education figures published today show Te Tai Tokerau and Hawke's Bay/Tairāwhiti had the lowest rates of regular attendance, while Auckland and Canterbury had the highest.
Staff fear big job cuts as Massey University reconsiders courses with low enrolments
Staff fear Massey University is preparing to make significant job cuts.
All New Zealand universities have risen in latest international ranking
All eight New Zealand universities have risen in one of the main rankings of international universities.