Stories by Johnny Blades
Audio and features
Fish and quiz: The many uses of written parliamentary questions
Over the last six years, parliament’s clerks have had to vet about 40,000 written questions each year. So how are written questions used and what are the democratic benefits? Audio
How MPs cope with strains of the job
MPs have some of the highest pressure jobs in New Zealand, and the stressors aren’t always what you might think. So does anyone help them carry the load, and how do they personally cope? Audio
The well-worn path between Auditor-General and Parliament
The work of the Auditor-General’s office features often in this week’s select committee hearings at Parliament, and for good reason. Audio
How petitions get Parliament's attention
Petitions to Parliament don't always result in a change to law or policy as intended, but they can be an effective way of the public getting a message to those in power. Audio
Taking MPs at their word, or not
The principle that all MPs are honourable and that they should be taken at their word has been tested multiple times this week in Parliament. Audio
Auditor-General's youth mental health report before committee
The Health Select Committee has been digesting the Auditor-General’s report on how well public organisations are working to meet the mental health needs of young people. Audio
Touch and go: list MPs on the cusp
Due to vagaries of the MMP system, some list MPs must endure a period of waiting and uncertainty before they can enter Parliament. Audio
Parliament’s future out the back
A big new wooden superstructure is about to be built out the back of Parliament House, and is planned to be ready to fit dozens of MPs by the next election. Audio
Parliament agencies face increased demands and tight funds
Due to the increasing demands on the work of the Office of the Clerk in an environment of funding constraints, the efficiency of some key Parliament functions could suffer. Audio
Testy times for presiding officers
This morning’s debates in the chamber provided multiple examples of how difficult it can be as a presiding officer when contentious bills are going through under urgency. Audio
Foreign minister seeks larger diplomatic footprint, despite cuts
The Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade select committee has been holding its annual review of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Audio
News media's existential crisis comes to select committee
A select committee is considering views on a bill that seeks a more level playing field in the digital market that our media industry operates in, where tech giants dominate. Audio
Marathon sitting block underway with more repeals
An unusually long sitting block begins today at Parliament, beginning with another repeal of law passed by the previous government. Audio
Select Committee live-streaming moves off Facebook
Live-streaming of public select committee hearings is now being hosted on Parliament’s own website instead of on Facebook. Audio
Legislative year begins with ending Productivity Commission
The first piece of legislation Parliament is looking at in 2024 disestablishes a Crown entity that MPs all agreed has been doing great work. But they don't all agree that it should go. Audio
Parliament 2023, year of the shake-up
The House offers a selection of some of the highs and lows, and behind the scenes chats, from a year of great change at Parliament. Audio
Digging in: Parliament's grind towards year's end
There’s a look in the eyes of many people who work on precinct that tells you they just want this parliamentary year to finish already, but it’s not quite done yet. Audio
Older and more farmers: The 54th Parliament by the numbers
The number of Members of Parliament who come from farming backgrounds has risen markedly, while the average age of MPs has bumped up to near 50. Audio
Parliament's new Speaker hints at free flow style
The new Speaker Gerry Brownlee has offered a heads-up about how he'll run Parliament, with Standing Orders to be a mere guide rather than a strict line to follow. Audio
What to Expect when you’re Expecting a Parliament
With a government now formed the 54th Parliament can finally get underway. Twice. Here’s how that happens.
Parliament tightens procedures around entrenchment of laws
Under new rules for Parliament, any future proposed entrenchment of a law must first be considered by a select committee before being considered by all MPs.
Voting age for local council elections debated
MPs have been debating whether to lower the voting age for local council elections to 16 years of age from the current age of 18. Audio
A week to wrap up Parliament
The last sitting week of the 53rd Parliament has a fairly packed schedule of government business, plus debate on the Standing Orders Committee's regular report, and the Adjournment Debate. Audio
Beyond the tiles, the work of photographers at Parliament
If there’s one group who we don’t hear enough about, it’s the photographers who cover Parliament. A new exhibition is casting light on five of these practitioners. We talk to two of them. Audio
Valedictory warning about divisive style of politics
As more valedictory speeches were heard in Parliament’s chamber, a warning was sounded from a departing MP about race baiting and dog whistling to extremism. Audio